Client Testimonials
I’ve known Shellby for a few years now and ever since I’ve known her, she’s been so passionate about fitness. She always finds the time to work it into her day whether it is a full workout or just getting in some quick cardio.
After I had my first baby, I was in full on depression mode, anyone who has had a child can relate to the shocking changes your body goes through during/after pregnancy. Shellby was so encouraging and once I got the ok from my doctor, she worked with me 6 days a week for a few months to help me lose my baby weight, just because she wanted to.
I was the type of person who was extremely intimidated by the gym and afraid others would judge me because I didn’t know what I was doing. She doesn’t just show you what to do, she takes the time to explain what you’re doing and the different muscle groups you are working. She didn’t make me feel inadequate because I couldn’t lift as much weight as she could, she was very encouraging. Every time I would say something negative, she would turn it around into something that I should be proud of.
I definitely couldn’t have done it without her knowledge and help. She challenged me every single day and without that, I don’t think I would have made the process that I did. She truly cares about the health and well-being of others.
~Fairfax, VA

Multiple injuries, 2 knee surgeries and 3 months postpartum, I was stuck. I had no idea where to start and felt more discouraged than ever. My husband surprised me with 10 sessions training with Shellby.
I’ll admit, I was hesitant. Being an athlete my entire young adulthood, I thought the only way I could become fit again was doing sprints on the field or with a ball at my feet. I was wrong! Shellby walked me thought exercises, pushed my body past limits I had mentally set, encouraged me daily and got this body back in shape!
She has a way about her that changes your entire mindset, all with positivity. I feel so much more confident about my workouts and most importantly, myself!
I am down 10+ lbs and feeling better than ever.
Never have I ever been so confident in my own skin. Thank you Coach for this beautiful new outlook on fitness and strength. Forever grateful for your guidance, and most importantly... hard ass workouts!
~Greenville, SC
After a few months working out with Shellby I was the fittest I had ever been in my life. Of course, months of consistently working out will do that for most people but working out with her gave me much more as well. I learned to claim my space with confidence in the gym which translated to standing up for myself outside the gym. The confidence Shellby helped me build impacted every aspect of my life and years later still does.
No one wants to ask the dumb questions and Shellby makes sure you never have to because she breaks everything down and makes fitness accessible to everyone at every level. I had lifted with my husband and occasionally a few friends here and there in the years before I met Shellby, but none of those sessions ever sparked any true interest in continuing weight training on my own.
I was a cardio junkie through and through but I was also very inconsistent and generally uninspired to train unless I had to. Shellby taught me to trust the process and appreciate smaller victories on my way to larger goals. She introduced me to superset workouts which I had never done before and I came to love, and then she helped me realize how eating healthier and more consistently allowed me to get more out of my workouts.
These days, I go into the gym with a plan and even if it's busy I don't second guess myself as I move through a routine that I have to modify because equipment is occupied or unavailable. And when I'm on my last set and I think about cutting my workout short or not giving my all it's her voice I hear in my head that gives me the extra push I need to always finish strong.
~West Ashley, SC